Is Revelation About the End of Time … or the Time of the End?
WARNING: you are entering a politically, socially, and communally in-correct zone. On this site, I will not seek to honor men or tradition. I will not fear being labeled a heretic or losing any position in any church. The inspired SCRIPTURE will be the ultimate authority on this site. The words of Jesus will be believed, and will provide the ultimate framework for forming our eschatology. The BLOG is where we dig into details, but here’s a preview of what you’ll learn. Be aware, your paradigm is about to be altered by the truth you were never shown. It’s time to examine your views in light of the Word of God, not the delusions of dispensational futurists. Enter at your own risk. You may lose friends, but you’ll also lose your fears. Heaven is on your horizon, not the tribulation!
There Is No Silent Pre-Trib Rapture in the Bible, But Don’t Worry
There is no silent pre-tribulation rapture. It’s at the last trumpet, the 7th trumpet, that this mystery of God would be revealed, which is past the halfway point. Furthermore, saints were told they would be here and that they were to flee to the mountains, not to await disappearing. Relax, it’s not about you.
Jesus Said He’d Back Before all His Disciples Died, & He Meant It
Jesus said he’d come back before all the disciples died and before they’d make it through all the towns of Jerusalem. He also said that it would be in judgment, within 40 years or less, that dead bodies would be piled up, and that the high priest and those who pierced him would see him.
The Uninspired External AD 90’s Date of Revelation is Laughable
The external evidence for dating Revelation in the AD 90’s is both extremely weak and flawed. The inspired Bible itself dates Revelation for us. It was written during the reign of the 6th emperor of Rome, after the unwarranted killing of famous saints, and before the destruction of Jerusalem.
The Bible Actually Tells Us About the Last Days, Believe It or Not
The Bible says in Joel and Acts that Pentecost was in the last days. This defines the last days as the ending of the old covenant, the ending of old sacrifices, and the ending of old Jerusalem. This coincides with the new covenant, the eternal perfect sacrifice, and the new Jerusalem.
The “1000” Year Reign Was For Martyred Saints, Not You, Sorry
The Bible doesn’t say that Christ would reign for “1,000” years. It said the martyred saints would … with Christ, who was already reigning, and still is, and will forever. It also says that one of their primary jobs and privileges during their reign is the judging of the 12 tribes of Israel to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles. They are given royal white robes and told to wait a little while for more martyrs to come up, until the judgment of Jerusalem.
You Missed the Rapture, but Don’t Worry, Not the Benefit Thereof
The Bible says that Death/Hades was emptied/destroyed during the tribulation at the 7th trumpet and that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob finally entered the presence of Christ and the saints of the 1st resurrection who died after His finished work. This means that we are judged now immediately upon our deaths, like Hebrews and Daniel both say, and go to either the eternal throne room of God or the eternal Lake of Fire.
Revelation Isn’t the First Time the Whole Earth Was Destroyed
Revelation is not the first time that Israel/Judea is referred to as “earth”, nor is it the first time that gentiles are referred to as “sea.” It’s not the first time that soldiers are referred to as locusts, nor is it the first time war is referred to as a flood. It’s not the first time powers are shaken up in “earthquakes” and governments are represented as celestial bodies, nor the first time leaders are referred to as stars.
Revelation is a Book About War. It’s Over. Christ Won, Thank God.
Revelation and Daniel are perfectly fulfilled with the Roman/Judean conglomerate of the sea beast and earth beast, iron mixed with potter’s clay. Vespasian is perfectly described as the different little horn rising up amongst 10 other emperors and displacing 3 before wearing out the saints for 3.5 years. Nero checks all the boxes for the image of the beast, including the calculable number, being killed by no other, rumored to have come back to life, and having an image built to be worshipped.
Jesus Already Addressed the “Problem” of Rapture of Souls
Jesus corrected the wrong thinking the Sadducees had about resurrected bodies, explaining that they don’t operate with physical facilities but are rather like the angels. Jesus also says that His kingdom was not observable like other physical things, but was “in the midst of them.” Furthermore, He said that His kingdom would exist amongst those not in his kingdom … and that it would last far beyond 1,000 years … forever.