Futurism Leaves Questions that Preterism Easily Answers

Typical Biblical Confusion of Futurists – All Answered by Preterism (believing Revelation was written when it says it was written)

  • [x] Why the Ark of the Covenant is gone
  • [x] Why there’s no gift of tongues anymore
  • [x] Why there’s no gift of miracles anymore
  • [x] Why there’s no gift of prophecy anymore
  • [x] Why there’s been wars and rumors of wars for centuries but no rapture
  • [x] Why there’s been famines for centuries but no rapture
  • [x] Why there’s been earthquakes for centuries but no rapture
  • [x] Why there’s been pestilence for centuries but no rapture
  • [x] Why Jesus said they should pray that the great tribulation didn’t happen during winter
  • [x] Why all the New Testament writers said Jesus / the judge was coming soon
  • [x] Why Jesus said he was coming before all his disciples died
  • [x] Why Jesus said he was coming to that generation
  • [x] Why Jesus said he was coming before the disciples made it through all the towns of Israel
  • [x] Why those who take the Lord’s supper unworthily don’t get sick or die anymore
  • [x] Why the Jerusalem temple/genealogies/priesthood is destroyed
  • [x] Why Christ has been and is currently reigning
  • [x] Why we go directly to be with Christ today upon death, not Hades
  • [x] Why Jesus said the Father would kill those who killed His son
  • [x] Why New Testament writers said the martyrs would judge the 12 tribes of Israel
  • [x] Why Revelation said, “let the wicked still be wicked,” instead of calling evangelism
  • [x] Why New Testament writers said it would be better to not worry about marrying at that time
  • [x] Why the writer of Hebrews said they had “come to Zion,” the “place cannot be touched”
  • [x] Why the “end of the age” was synonymous with the destruction of the temple
  • [x] Why Hebrews said the temple represented the then-present age
  • [x] Why not 1 jot or tittle would fade from the law until “heaven and earth” passed
  • [x] Why Christ’s kingdom is present among the thorns and tares, just as He said
  • [x] Why the angel in Revelation said it was written during the rule of #6 over the city of 7 hills with blasphemous names on them
  • [x] Why Daniel’s beast/empire count is 4, not 7
  • [x] Why the angel told Daniel the time “was not at hand” but told John that it was “at hand”
  • [x] Why Revelation repeatedly and incessantly implied ultimate urgency
  • [x] Why some believers in the 7 churches would still die when receiving their conquering crown
  • [x] Why the tribulation Jesus spoke of was flee’able
  • [x] Why Jesus said they should pray that the great tribulation didn’t happen during the sabbath
  • [x] Why Jesus told born-again believers to flee Judea/Jerusalem when they saw the abomination of desolation
  • [x] Why Jesus said they would be persecuted in synagogues before the “end”
  • [x] Why Armageddon involved horses and swords