Stop the 200 Million Army Nonsense

We need to stop saying the armies that crossed the Euphrates had (or will have in some folks’ view) 200 million soldiers. The Greek phrase is μυριάδων δισμυριάδες or myriadōn dismyriades … or myriad double myriad. Basically, the army was “double huge.” It’s not more specific than that. Don’t get hung up on the English’s attempt to translate, and think that it means it hasn’t been yet fulfilled.

Indeed, armies crossed the Euphrates to finish off Jerusalem with Titus Legio XV who had Apollo as their god. (the descriptions, the equipment, colors, all match) And if you didn’t notice, the trumpets and bowls of wrath describe the same events from different perspectives. It was the punishment of the city which was responsible for the blood of the martyrs.

Titus and his army is the 5th trumpet, the coalition is the 6th. The Ark of the Covenant was taken to heaven in the 7th trumpet. They’ll never find it the real deal. That’s why it’s NOT engraved in the Arch of Titus. Do you think they wouldn’t celebrate stealing THAT? No. It wasn’t there for them. Because the Bible is true.