Just a Few Reasons Why Popular Futurist Eschatology Cannot be True if One Believes the Bible and the Words of Jesus

Jesus said He would return before the disciples made it through all the towns of Israel.

Jesus said some standing there would not taste death before His return with his angels in judgment.

Jesus said that ALL things in the Olivet Discourse would occur in THAT generation.

Jesus implied the disciple John would still be alive at His coming.

Jesus said that the believers of Ninevah and the Queen of Sheba would rise with the judgment of THAT generation to which he was speaking.

Jesus said that the target of his judgment upon His return was Jerusalem.

Jesus said that upon His return the religious leaders responsible for the blood of the prophets would be judged.

Jesus said that the Jews who would kill him would be judged and would have the “vineyard” taken from them and given to another people.

Jesus said that Herod’s temple would be destroyed at His coming.

Jesus said the Ark of the Covenant would be taken to heaven upon His coming. No one has or will ever find the real thing.

Jesus said that Galilee would suffer in the tribulation. That’s what Vespasian hit first.

Jesus said that the “taken” would end up in a pile of dead bodies with vultures, not raptured.

Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would fade from the law until “heaven and earth” passed – a Jewish term for the temple.

Jesus said Samaria would suffer in the tribulation, and it did.

Jesus said that Jerusalem would be split into 3 parts, and it was.

Jesus said that He was coming “quickly” to execute things that were “at hand.”

Jesus, regarding those to be judged, said “let the righteous remain righteous, and the wicked remain wicked” – evangelism was called off because judgment was so near.

Titus’ Legio XV Apollonaris is perfectly described in the 5th trumpet/seal.

The 4 legions that leveled Jerusalem are depicted at the river Euphrates in the 6th trumpet/seal.

The throwing a burning censor into the temple and burning it down is depicted in Revelation, exactly as it happened.

100 pound stones that were thrown into Jerusalem over the walls are perfectly depicted as 1-talent hail in revelation.

Rome with Judea as a province was clearly the 4th kingdom of Daniel, which followed Greece … iron mixed with potter’s clay.

God said that it would be during the rule of the 1st century Roman Empire that a kingdom cut from no human hand would be launched.

Jesus said that he would not drink with his disciples again until he did so in His kingdom. Then he died and resurrected and drank with them again.

The prophet Daniel said the 70 “week prophecy” would end when the power of the holy people was shattered, and the city and the sanctuary were destroyed. It happened.
Jesus said that his kingdom was NOT coming in physical, observable ways that people could physically see.

The Bible says the DEAD would be resurrected at the 7th trumpet, which was concurrent with the destruction of the physical Temple. It happened.
Jesus said the resurrected are “like the angels in heaven,” and don’t operate physically like in marriage.

The prophet Daniel said the dead would be raised and separated at the destruction of the city and the sanctuary. That happened in 70 AD.

The same apocalyptic judgment prophetic language was used to predict the fall of physical Babylon. The universe wasn’t destroyed then either. The last days were announced to have arrived in multiple places throughout the New Testament. We aren’t in the last days. We are past them.

The writer of Hebrews tells us he was in the last days and that the then-present age was about to end when the physical temple would be destroyed. Revelation was written before 70AD, as the angel himself says that 1) the temple was standing, 2) was about to be trampled by Gentiles 3) the ark was about to be taken to heaven 4) the king (not kingdom) at the time of the prophecy (not future) of the city on 7 hills with blasphemous names (temples to false gods) on its hills (Rome) was #6.

The man of lawlessness was alive, at work, and being restrained in 51 AD, at the writing of Thessalonians. Not today or future to us. Luke’s synoptic gospel reveals that “armies surrounding Jerusalem” would be concurrent with the abomination of desolation. The conglomerate of armies formed a wall of circumvallation before its destruction in AD 70.
Jesus confirmed that Daniel’s prophecies would be fulfilled with the destruction of Herod’s temple.

Daniel was told to seal up his prophecy because the “time was NOT at hand” 600 years before Revelation, in which John is told NOT to seal up his vision because the time WAS at hand. The time cannot be “at hand” 2,000 + years later, according to God’s definition of “at hand.”

Jesus told Jewish CHRISTIANS, alive at the time, to FLEE to the mountains of JUDEA for the escapable events of the Olivet discourse – the great tribulation, which would be experienced by the tribes of the land – 1st-century apostate Israel.