Did Jesus Give Us a Window of Time for His Second Coming?

Yes. And EVERY timeframe He stated indicated a 1st-century event. That is, BEFORE 100 AD, more than 2,000 years ago. And it happened. It’s documented by multiple historians, and it accomplished precisely what Jesus said it would.
Jesus said that upon His return … the wicked and perverse generation with which He spoke would be judged, the religious leaders of Jerusalem would be punished, a righteous remnant would be preserved, the gospel would be spread, His kingdom would grow, the law and priesthood would be abolished, and Herod’s temple would be destroyed.
Furthermore, He narrowed the dates of such down to a small window. He said His return in judgment on Jerusalem would be:

  1. before the generation to which He spoke passed (Matt 24:1-34 – read all, in order, to understand “all”)
  2. before some standing in front of Him while He spoke died (Matt 16:27-28, Luke 9:26-27)
  3. before the disciples made it through all the towns of Israel (Matt 10:17-23)
  4. specifically, after Peter would die (John 21:17-19)
  5. specifically, before John would die (John 21:20-24)
    (Don’t knee-jerk deny … read the passages)
    Between 66 AD and 70 AD, every sign predicted in the Olivet Discourse happened for those who dwelt on the ge’ (“land,” often interpreted as “earth”) and the tribes (children of Israel) of the earth (ge’ meaning land) mourned. Even the signs in the sky are recorded by multiple historians, of both Roman and Jewish cultures. Miraculous signs filled the temple as well, and are recorded. They all can be found by those who look. (Go read Tacitus, Josephus, Yosippon, etc)
    Peter died approximately 64 AD, and John died approximately 100 AD. The 4th kingdom of Daniel – Rome mixed with Judea (iron mixed with potter’s clay) was ruling at the time that the city and sanctuary were desolated by war – (a 1,260 day, 3.5 yr, 42-month war) just as Daniel predicted – just as Jesus said all that was written in Daniel would be fulfilled with the desolation of Herod’s temple (a structure Jews referred to as “heaven and earth,” as it connected God with the people).

That’s over. Done. And guess what? It all happened within Jesus’ multiple stated deadlines. He tells the truth. I know it’s a shocker to Baptists and beyond, but open your Bible, and open the history books. Want to talk about a third coming? Sure. But we as Christians should NOT label a 3rd “the 2nd” and remain in direct conflict both with Jesus and recorded history.

“Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good.” – I Thessalonians 5:20-21