The Bible says the “mystery” (Corinthians, Revelation, etc) would be fulfilled at the last trumpet (the 7th trumpet, to be specific) which is preceded by 6 other trumpets, which sound from the 7th seal, which is preceded by 6 other seals. Jesus tells born-again believing saints (Jews to be specific) to “flee” to the mountains […]
Author: 20551pwpadmin
Revelation Proved Jesus Was the Son of God
In April of 67 AD, after the killing of many Christ-preaching saints, during the reign of Nero (revelation 17:10) over the 4th great empire (iron kingdom), Vespasian, who would gradually rise without noble blood to humble and displace 3 other Roman emperors: Otho, Galba, and Vitellius (Daniel 7:8), arrived in Galilee (part of the potter’s […]
Abrahamic Promises Find Fulfillment in Church or Ethnic Israel?
First, the Bible is clear – there were advantages to being a Jew. Paul tells us: Romans 3:2 To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. That’s not all Paul attributes to them: Romans 9: 4 They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving […]
1948 Israel – Fulfillment of Promise?
The 1948 creation of a land of atheists, skeptics, Christ-deniers, & idolaters was NOT a fulfillment of God’s blessing for obedience. It couldn’t possibly be. Old Testament Israel: the temple, the altar, the law, the covenant, the geneologies, the priesthood, the ark, all came to an end in AD 70, in perfect harmony with the […]
Nineteen Evidences Revelation Was Written Prior to AD 70
Did Jesus Return on Time or Did He Miss His Prediction?
Jesus told them He’d be back before they made it through all the towns of Israel, that He’d be back to Judge Jerusalem during that wicked generation with which He spoke, and that He would end the Mosaic Covenant and earthly temple/priesthood… and that the tribes (Jewish) of the land (proper Greek interpretation) would mourn […]
Did Jesus Give Us a Window of Time for His Second Coming?
Yes. And EVERY timeframe He stated indicated a 1st-century event. That is, BEFORE 100 AD, more than 2,000 years ago. And it happened. It’s documented by multiple historians, and it accomplished precisely what Jesus said it would.Jesus said that upon His return … the wicked and perverse generation with which He spoke would be judged, […]
The Battle of Armegeddon is in Our Past, Not Our Future
The first several chapters of Isaiah are about the same wicked and perverse generation whose judgment Jesus speaks of in the Olivet Discourse, and Revelation (a book of the divorce of unfaithful wife Israel (wicked tenants in the parable), in favor of the bride of Christ, the church (the new Jerusalem, the holy Mountain, the […]
Understanding the Millinnium
First things first: 1,000 years is NOT the length of time for the reign of Christ. The Bible doesn’t say that anywhere. It symbolized the length of time that the MARTYR’S would reign WITH Christ. (Christ’s reign is forever, according to scores of passages) The quality of time was 1,000, found in a book jam-packed […]
The One Who Endures to the End Will be Saved
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17 Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, 18 and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear […]