Author: 20551pwpadmin

Rapture? The “Mystery of God” Fulfilled … at the 7th Trumpet

The Bible says the “mystery” (Corinthians, Revelation, etc) would be fulfilled at the last trumpet (the seventh trumpet, to be specific) which is preceded by six other trumpets, which sound from the seventh seal, which is preceded by six other seals. Jesus tells born-again believing saints (Jews to be specific) to “flee” to the mountains […]

Falsely Framed

It is simply not true that all post-millennialists believe everyone will become a Christian before Christ returns. Even the assumptions within the statement are wrong. It in fact, completely misses the return in judgment against Israel, in which the martyred saints participated, within the timeframe that Jesus said it would occur. Furthermore, Jesus plainly said […]

If Irenaeus Was Right …

The problem with trusting the eschatology of Irenaeus is stuff like this. It sounds nice and clean, but is it so? – Book 5, chapter 28, Against Heresies So where are we according to the Biblical calculations and genealogies? If Martin Luther is correct: 3961 BC was the starting point. It’s 2024 today. Add those […]

Is a Resurrection into Spiritual Bodies Contrary to Scripture?

Both preterists and futurists alike are forced to logically admit that the “mystery of God,” what some call the “rapture,” is necessarily linked to the 7th trumpet. That means it’s necessarily linked to the 7-year tribulation. More specifically, it’s linked to the latter half of the 7-year tribulation known as the Great Tribulation. Futurists will […]