The Bible says the “mystery” (Corinthians, Revelation, etc) would be fulfilled at the last trumpet (the seventh trumpet, to be specific) which is preceded by six other trumpets, which sound from the seventh seal, which is preceded by six other seals. Jesus tells born-again believing saints (Jews to be specific) to “flee” to the mountains […]
Author: 20551pwpadmin
Domitian Wasn’t Emperor When Revelation was Written
Morning musings: John mentions that the sixth ruler (“five have fallen, one is”) of the sea beast (gentile land/dynasty), which is also the fourth kingdom of Daniel (more powerful than the lion [babylon], bear [persia], and leopard [greece], which is also the city that sits on seven hills (Rome) which are also described as heads […]
Falsely Framed
It is simply not true that all post-millennialists believe everyone will become a Christian before Christ returns. Even the assumptions within the statement are wrong. It in fact, completely misses the return in judgment against Israel, in which the martyred saints participated, within the timeframe that Jesus said it would occur. Furthermore, Jesus plainly said […]
Eusebius Got the Easy Part Today’s Christians Miss
Recognizing the obvious fulfillment of prophecy isn’t a new fad. Eusebius (who helped preserve the writings of Irenaeus btw) saw it plain as day in 314 AD: “And all this prophecy of what would result from their insolence against the Christ has been clearly proved to have taken place after their plot against our Saviour. […]
If Irenaeus Was Right …
The problem with trusting the eschatology of Irenaeus is stuff like this. It sounds nice and clean, but is it so? – Book 5, chapter 28, Against Heresies So where are we according to the Biblical calculations and genealogies? If Martin Luther is correct: 3961 BC was the starting point. It’s 2024 today. Add those […]
Is a Resurrection into Spiritual Bodies Contrary to Scripture?
Both preterists and futurists alike are forced to logically admit that the “mystery of God,” what some call the “rapture,” is necessarily linked to the 7th trumpet. That means it’s necessarily linked to the 7-year tribulation. More specifically, it’s linked to the latter half of the 7-year tribulation known as the Great Tribulation. Futurists will […]
There is No PRE-Trib Rapture, Sorry, but Scripture …
There is no PRE-trib rapture, sorry but: ——– If one wants to ignore both Jesus’ words on the timing thereof and the historical accounts of Josephus, Tacitus, and others that detail the once prophetic 4th kingdom’s Roman/ Jewish War that involved 1260 days of military suppression and occupation of the Jews while they fought each […]
Dispensational Sensationalism & Delusion
The idea of 7 dispensations is mentally fun and exciting, but not Biblical. There is no such thing as a “human government” age. There is no such thing as a “church age” that precedes another and different kingdom age. There are no hundreds of years worth of church history outlined in Revelation. There’s no need […]
That “Heaven & Earth” Already Passed Away, Thank God
The Temple and the Old Covenant were both spoken of by Jews as “heaven and earth.” The Holy of Holies was heaven where God dwelt, and the spaces beyond it were spoken of as land and sea, where man was allowed to be. Thank goodness no one has to keep up with 613 commandments anymore! […]
Prophetic Language Lessons: Psalm 18 and Isaiah 19
Look at the language of Psalm 18 and ask yourself 1) Has this prophecy happened already, and 2) If yes, did every bit of occur LITERALLY? To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David, the servant of the Lord, who addressed the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, […]