
Just a Few Reasons Why Popular Futurist Eschatology Cannot be True if One Believes the Bible and the Words of Jesus

Jesus said He would return before the disciples made it through all the towns of Israel. Jesus said some standing there would not taste death before His return with his angels in judgment. Jesus said that ALL things in the Olivet Discourse would occur in THAT generation. Jesus implied the disciple John would still be […]

When Were the Last Days?

Acts 2 (written AD 60s)But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of […]

When Was the End of the Age?

The writer of Hebrews (late AD 60) describes the physical temple as representing the real temple in the heavenly places, claims that Jesus had left to enter the real holy of holies on our behalf, and said that the then-present physical temple was synchronous with the then-present age … and says they both were to […]

Sheol/Hades/Tartarus vs Gehenna/Hell/Lake of Fire

Sheol/Hades/Tartarus are all similar, depending on who’s talking and who’s going, also known as: Pit of Nothingness Bottomless Pit Place of the dead Underworld Center of the Earth Dust Darkness Grave Depths Unconsciousness This is where all dead, believers and unbelievers, went before Christ’s sacrifice (specifically His death). This is also where the angels who […]