Food for thought —— Every single church in Revelation is a church, with believers in it. That’s what makes it a church. Buildings do not a church make. The false dispensationalist idea that Laodicia has no believers is just that … utterly false. Jesus himself declares it a lampstand (church), says he holds its star/angel/pastor […]
Stop the 200 Million Army Nonsense
We need to stop saying the armies that crossed the Euphrates had (or will have in some folks’ view) 200 million soldiers. The Greek phrase is μυριάδων δισμυριάδες or myriadōn dismyriades … or myriad double myriad. Basically, the army was “double huge.” It’s not more specific than that. Don’t get hung up on the English’s […]
Olivet Discourse: Power of Parallel Passages & Prophetic Quotes
Just a few thoughts on the Olivet Discourse ….. Luke: “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies … “ Matthew (parallel passage on Olivet Discourse):“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place …” Back to Luke:“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, […]
Was the Gospel Preached to the World Before AD 70?
Had the Gospel really been preached to the world before AD 70? ——— People sometimes mistakenly think the Roman Empire was a nation. No. It was the known world to many, comprised of about 10 different languages and 3 times as many nations: “In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all […]
May the Real Beast of the Sea Please Stand Up?
The beast of the sea in Revelation 13 is interpreted for us in Revelation 17 by the angel himself. It is Daniel’s 4th kingdom of iron, the one that followed Greece, and had potter’s clay mixed with it (Judea). The 7 hills and the temples to false gods on top of the hills are a […]
Why Hellbent on Future Fulfillment of What’s Obviously Past?
To fulfill Biblical prophecy …. futurism needs a future temple with the blood of true prophets on its hands, a revival of the Roman Empire with power over Judea, the destruction of Jerusalem leaving only three parts, and the ushering in of a spiritual kingdom cut from no human hand where Christ reigns. Think about […]
Nobody Thought Revelation was Written before AD 70?
Some of the first translations of the New Testament were in Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic. These date back to the 2nd century. We know how important the Aramaic language was in Bible times. It was the language spoken by Jesus hence the conversational tongue between Him and His disciples. The Syriac version of the […]
Babylon the Great … Positively Identified
Who is “Babylon the Great” in Revelation?100% Jerusalem—— Revelation 17:5-6And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.” And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her, I marveled greatly. […]
The Martyrs, White Robes & Thrones, & Judgement
Ever wonder why Jesus kept telling 1st-century saints they would judge the 12 tribes of Israel? Because they would, and they did. The martyrs who were killed were given white robes & told to wait a little while until the rest of the martyrs came to heaven. Alongside Christ, who was already reigning, they judged […]
It’s Kings, NOT Kingdoms – of the 4th Empire of Daniel’s Prophecy
The assertion that the woman riding the beast in Revelation is Jerusalem is obviously true. The idea that the 7 KINGS represent kingdoms including Egypt and Assyria is utterly false, and it’s easy to disprove: 1) the angel says the BEAST (singular empire) has 7 heads. It does NOT say there are 7 beasts! We […]