Category: Uncategorized

Jericho Compared to Jerusalem

Joshua and Fall of Jericho ——- God’s people escape Egyptian bondage thru water God’s people wait 40 years Joshua leads the charge Jericho is desolated Believers escape 7 Trumpets sound Walls fall during war Ark enters Promised Land People enter Promised Land Jesus and Fall of Jerusalem ——- God’s people escape sin bondage thru Holy […]

This is What Joel Spoke Of!

In Acts 2, when Peter defends those said to be drunk, Luke writes that Peter ties Pentecost to the last days through the prophecy of Joel. So Pentecost happened in the last days according to Luke and Peter. This is surprising to us, but shouldn’t be, for the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of […]

The Timing of the Mystery

The Bible says the “mystery” (Corinthians, Revelation, etc) would be fulfilled at the last trumpet (the 7th trumpet, to be specific) which is preceded by 6 other trumpets, which sound from the 7th seal, which is preceded by 6 other seals. Jesus tells born-again believing saints (Jews to be specific) to “flee” to the mountains […]