Hebrews Destroys Dispensationalism

Hebrews bluntly dismantles dispensationalist futurism, clearly presenting the writer’s age and the consummation of that age into the next that was about to occur as he and his audience sought refuge.

Keep in mind, the writer of Hebrews said he was living “in the last days” that all the prophets had predicted:

Hebrews 1:1
1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 

He also said that his audience had “come to Zion,” which could “not be touched.” (yes you can hear very wrong claims, even well-orated, even in good places):
(Hebrews 12)

The 1st-century temple being destroyed was part of the Yom Kippur atonement for our sins, as Jesus presented His ultimate sacrifice to God for us. (Remember Daniel’s prophecy about Jesus presenting himself to the Ancient of Days?)

Hebrews 9
6 These preparations having thus been made, the priests go regularly into the first section, performing their ritual duties, 7 but into the second only the high priest goes, and he but once a year, and not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people.

8 By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the holy places is not yet opened as long as the first section still stands 9 (which is symbolic for the present age). According to this arrangement, gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper, 10 but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation.


1) The Temple needed to be destroyed!
2) The Age needed to be consummated!
3) He and his audience were about to witness it!

The writer of Hebrews goes on to quote the passage that dispensationalists use for a future nationalistic earthly kingdom of Israel 🤦‍♂️

… and applies it PROPERLY, spiritually, to all born-again believers. It is in THIS way that “all Israel is saved.”  To say it another way: “all saved is Israel.”
(Abraham is the father of MANY nations, not one)

15 And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying,

16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them
    after those days, declares the Lord:
I will put my laws on their hearts,
    and write them on their minds,”
17 then he adds,

“I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”

18 Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin.