The Timing of the Mystery

The Bible says the “mystery” (Corinthians, Revelation, etc) would be fulfilled at the last trumpet (the 7th trumpet, to be specific) which is preceded by 6 other trumpets, which sound from the 7th seal, which is preceded by 6 other seals.

Jesus tells born-again believing saints (Jews to be specific) to “flee” to the mountains (of Judea to be specific) at an event/visible sign associated with the mid-point (when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies to be specific) of the 7-year tribulation period.

So the bad news is: there ain’t no silent Saint exit pre-trib rapture in the Bible for born-again believers. (For indeed the early martyrs would await the “rest” of those to be killed) The good news is: you probably don’t have to worry about it 🙂 We are not to despise prophecy, per Thessalonians. We are to test it. Testing shows we indeed serve a timeless and omniscient God – the father of Jesus … the same person who told the disciples they wouldn’t make it through all the towns of Jerusalem before He would return in judgment … The same person who told them that some of them would not taste death until he returned in judgment … The same person who told the high priest who questioned Him that he would see Him coming in judgemnt .. the same person who said you’d know He had arrived in judgement because the dead bodies would be piled up … the same person who implied He may let John tarry (stay alive) into His coming in judgement. Indeed, John not only tarried until it happened, he was commissioned to send out the prophetic prediction and explanation of what was about to go down.

Daniel was told “seal up” the similar vision for the time was not yet. John was told not to, for the time was then. In fact, it was so close that evangelism was then deemed pointless (quite the change from the great commission about 40 years prior) “Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.” (No wonder Jesus had refocused them on the lost sheep of Israel, and commanded that they not go to the Gentiles. It was crunch time for those in Jerusalem and Judea. The urgency of Revelation was not deceitful. The time was indeed at hand)—