If Revelation Sounds Like Crunch Time, it’s Because it Was

If we aren’t willing to be wrong, we have little chance of being right. Humility is the doorway to truth. It’s hard to say, but for decades, I was wrong. The Word was right:

“soon take place”

“partner in the tribulation”

“are about to suffer”

“time is near / at hand”

“do not seal up, for …”

“those who pierced him will see him”

“this generation will not pass away”

“some of you standing here will not taste death before”

“you will not have made it through all the towns of Israel”

“you will see me”

“behold, I come quickly”

“Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy”

“Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

It was crunch time. And Jesus told those in Judea when it would be time to flee to the mountains. Sabbath traffic or winter weather would make the flight harder. The one “taken” was not raptured to heaven – the one “taken” would be slaughtered and end up in the pile of dead bodies (Luke 17:34-35) His return in Judgment on Jerusalem was bearing down with extreme weight, and time was up.