The kingdom of heaven is described at length in scripture, both in plain terms and parables:
- Christ’s kingdom’s standard is perfection
- Christ’s kingdom is an everlasting one
- Christ’s kingdom has only one way in
- Christ’s kingdom contains both Jews & Gentiles, of every nation, tribe, and tongue
- Christ’s kingdom exists among those not part of it
- Christ’s kingdom is not physical in nature
- Christ’s kingdom is already here
- Christ’s kingdom has, has had since He finished His mission, and will forever have Jesus in charge of it
- Christ’s kingdom’s keys, granted to the disciples & apostles, unlocked miraculous power
- Jesus is the cornerstone, the apostles are its foundation, the Lamb is its light, and Christ is its reigning King
Bonus, also found in scripture: it is greater than nations and empires. The primary weapon is a “sword” that “proceeds from the mouth” of the “Word of God.”