The Kingdom of Heaven as Described in Scripture

The kingdom of heaven is described at length in scripture, both in plain terms and parables:

  1. Christ’s kingdom’s standard is perfection
  2. Christ’s kingdom is an everlasting one
  3. Christ’s kingdom has only one way in
  4. Christ’s kingdom contains both Jews & Gentiles, of every nation, tribe, and tongue
  5. Christ’s kingdom exists among those not part of it
  6. Christ’s kingdom is not physical in nature
  7. Christ’s kingdom is already here
  8. Christ’s kingdom has, has had since He finished His mission, and will forever have Jesus in charge of it
  9. Christ’s kingdom’s keys, granted to the disciples & apostles, unlocked miraculous power
  10. Jesus is the cornerstone, the apostles are its foundation, the Lamb is its light, and Christ is its reigning King

Bonus, also found in scripture: it is greater than nations and empires. The primary weapon is a “sword” that “proceeds from the mouth” of the “Word of God.”